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Change and the management of change have become some of the most urgently discussed topics of our time. Yet despite this, very few change management practices are premised on a thorough understanding
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Exactly what diversity management is, why it makes business sense and how it can be measured are questions that cause confusion among managers and learners alike. Moreover, the way in which diversity
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Despite best intentions, the reality is that development is still conceptualised, planned and delivered by change agents and their institutions in a top-down manner. This is problematic for both the beneficiaries and
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In a South African business environment characterised by change, turbulence and competitiveness, strategy is even more crucial today than ever before. Many people's lives and jobs are affected by strategic decisions, and
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The small business sector in South Africa makes a significant contribution to the gross domestic product. In South Africa, small businesses are mostly classified into micro-, very small and small enterprises. PART A:
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Todays ever-changing marketing environment, accompanied by unpredictable competitive actions, creates uncertainty for enterprises and presents dilemmas, challenges and problem situations that necessitate planning ahead in order to survive. Directional/strategic marketing...
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There are a number of issues that need to be taken into account when establishing a new business that, if ignored, can result in failure of the business. Business management: an introduction
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