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After ten years the Doha Development Round is effectively dead. Although some have suggested that Doha's demise threatens the continued existence of the GATT/WTO system, even with some risks of increasing protectionism,
International Law
International migration law is an important field of international law, which has attracted exceptional interest in recent years. This book has been written from a wide variety of perspectives for those wanting
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This intellectually rigorous introduction to international law encourages readers to engage with multiple aspects of the topic: as 'law' directing and shaping its subjects; as a technique for governing the world of
International Law
Researched over a period of 15 years by an author who has personally participated in the debate internationally, Audio-Visual Coverage of Courts was the first book to undertake a comprehensive comparative study
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Audio-visual Coverage Of Courts - A Comparative Analysis Paperback
International Law
An increasing number of international trade disputes are settled through the WTO dispute settlement (DS) procedure. In parallel, an increasing number of international investment disputes are settled through investor-host state arbitration procedure.
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Transparency In International Trade And Investment Dispute Settlement Paperback
International Law
In 1946, the judges at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg declared 'crimes against peace' - the planning, initiation or waging of aggressive wars - to be 'the supreme international crime'. At
International Law
The development of new digital technologies has resulted in significant transformations in daily life, from the arrival of online shopping to more fundamental changes in the ways we work and communicate. Many
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Trade Governance In The Digital Age - World Trade Forum Paperback
International Law
The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization (WTO) include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO members under
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Dispute Settlement Reports 2009: Volume 2 Pages 623-1288 Hardcover 2009
International Law
The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization (WTO) include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO members under
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Dispute Settlement Reports 2009: Volume 9 Pages 3817-4282 Hardcover 2009
International Law
The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization (WTO) include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO members under
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Dispute Settlement Reports 2009: Volume 8 Pages 3439-3816 Hardcover 2009
International Law
The Dispute Settlement Reports of the World Trade Organization (WTO) include Panel and Appellate Body reports, as well as arbitration awards, in disputes concerning the rights and obligations of WTO members under
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Dispute Settlement Reports 2009: Volume 4 Pages 1617-2094 Hardcover 2009
International Law
In an era marked by processes of economic, political and legal integration that are arguably unprecedented in their range and impact, the translation of law has assumed a significance which it would
International Law
There has been considerable debate in the international community as to the legality of the forceful actions in Kosovo in 1999, Afghanistan in 2002 and Iraq in 2003 under the United Nations
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Necessity Proportionality And The Use Of Force By States Paperback
International Law
This book explores the role human rights law plays in the formation, and protection, of our personal identities. Drawing from a range of disciplines, Jill Marshall examines how human rights law includes
International Law
Film censorship has always been a controversial matter, particularly in jurisdictions with restrictive state-based censorship systems. This book reviews the film censorship system in the Asia-Pacific by comparing the systems used in
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Film Censorship In The Asia-pacific Region - Malaysia Hong Kong And Australia Compared Paperback
International Law
Despite the continuous addition of regulatory initiatives concerning corporate human rights responsibilities, what we witness more often than not is a situation of corporate impunity for human rights abuses. The Bhopal gas
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Regulating Corporate Human Rights Violations - Humanizing Business Hardcover
International Law
Several international legal issues are related to the concept of legal personality, including the determination of international rights and duties of non-state actors and the legal capacities of transnational institutions. When addressing
International Law
This study examines two important questions regarding terrorism and political violence: which threats to human security constitute root causes for collective violence and which adequate responses for these root causes are available
International Law
With 'displacement' as the guiding thread, the purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, it derives from the relevant provisions of international humanitarian law a legal framework for the protection of displaced
International Law
This book examines two problems in Private law which are posed by the 'good Samaritan': First, do we have a legal duty to give aid to our fellow human beings? In particular:
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International Law