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Fischer Black was a remarkable social scientist, one whose contributions range from the lofty perch of highbrow theory to the trenches of practical application. The papers represented in this work span the
Relying on previously undisclosed confessions of former mafia members now cooperating with the police, Letizia Paoli provides a clinically accurate portrait of mafia behavior, motivations, and structure in Italy. The mafia, Paoli
Volume 151 of the Proceedings of the British Academy contains 15 Lectures delivered at the British Academy in 2006. From consideration of Einstein, to discussions of coercion and consent in Nazi Germany,
This collection of essays on money and growth brings together the work of Sir John Hicks. Including two previously unpublished essays, this collection is sure to make readers view Hicks work in
One of the most enduring legacies of the 1980s has been the programme of privatizations that the Thatcher government set in train in the first half of the decade. Whole sectors of
This book approaches markets as a dynamic ensemble of institutions; and as a set of rules or norms, that contribute to the evolution of social systems of governance, and can be analysed
How do markets eolve? Why are some innovations picked up straight while others take years to be commercialized? Are there first-mover advantages? Why do we baheve with 'irrational exuberance' in the early
Witztum's text is a robust and challenging introduction to the key principles of economics. It delivers a comprehensive and focused view of the logical core of economic analysis. Presented in a clear
Undertaking economic evaluations of workplace-based occupational health and safety interventions can be difficult, reflected by the significant lack of literature, evidence and guidance on the subject. Particular difficulties include: complex labour legislation;
Technological change in healthcare has led to huge improvements in health services and the health status of populations. It is also pinpointed as the main driver of healthcare expenditure. Although offering remarkable
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