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Pocket-sized consumer guide to postnatal depression. Offers women and their partners a resource for recognizing, treating and preventing the condition. Explains postnatal depression as a hormonal, rather than psychological, problem. Contains new
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Paul Wender began his career treating children with ADHD 37 years ago and has treated adults with the disorder for almost 30 years. His exhaustive research and insight gained from clinical practice
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Fibromyalgia is a form of chronic neuromuscular pain, a pain-amplification syndrome brought on by abnormal interactions between hormones, the immune system, neurotransmitters, and the autonomic nervous system, that afflicts six million Americans
Obesity is reaching alarming proportions. In this insightful new approach to understanding why this is happening, acclaimed mood scientist Robert Thayer offers a new appreciation of the real cause-emotional eating. But this
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The Hay diet, devised by an American surgeon named William Hay, involves separating carbohydrate meals from protein meals, enabling the body to digest food more easily. Using an easy-to-follow outline of food
Drawing on scientific research, clinical practice, and detailed interviews with patients, this book on body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) describes BDD and includes a quick self-assessment questionnaire. It includes four treatment chapters that
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Shows how chronic mild depression can be relieved by learning strategies that help us to recognize negative and distorted thinking patterns that lead to a downward spiral of pessimism. This book reveals
We live in a sea of seething microbial predators, an infinity of invisible and invasive microorganisms capable of setting up shop inside us and sending us to an early grave. The only
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This book provides a factual guide to autism and Asperger syndrome for those with the diagnosis, their parents and families, and the medical professionals involved.
Liverpool John Moores University, UK. Pocket-sized text explaining how the body clock works, its effects on the body's health and well being, and its contribution to illnesses. Softcover.
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SUGAR BUSTERS! forever changed the way Americans eat, offering a delicious new approach to diet and health. The SUGAR BUSTERS! Shopper's Guide soon followed-and made finding SUGAR BUSTERS!-friendly fare at the grocery
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