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Gauge theories have provided our most successful representations of the fundamental forces of nature. How, though, do such representations work? Interpretations of gauge theory aim to answer this question. Through understanding how
Why do we have such extraordinarily powerful responses toward the images and pictures we see in everyday life? Why do we behave as if pictures were alive, possessing the power to influence
It's now over twenty years since punk first pogoed its way into our consciousness. Punk Rock: So What? brings together a new generation of writers, journalists and scholars to provide the first
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'This story literally has what it takes: the anecdotes, the insights and, most of all, the values to guide the next generation of entrepreneurs.' Mark Carney 'The real story of what it
What the Dying Teach Us: Lessons on Living is a spiritual approach to health care that teaches the reader about values, hope, and faith through actual experiences of terminally ill persons. This
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Come along on an adding animal adventure. Add baby animals to the adults to see how many there are all together. And while you are at it, learn what some of the
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On the night of November 19, 1973, following surgery, thirty-one-year-old wife and mother Betty J. Eadie died.... This is her extraordinary story of the events that followed, her astonishing proof of life
The ocean is like a lively underwater circus, starring many colorful animals and plants. With octopuses and sea turtles, sea horses and clown fish, it’s an incredible show indeed! Curious kids can
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What does Jesus mean when he says, 'Follow me'? Twenty years ago, pastor-teacher and bestselling author John MacArthur tackled that seemingly simple question---and wrote a book that has since taken its place
What is a Disaster? sets out the huge conceptual differences that exist concerning what a disaster is, and presents important implications for both theory, study and practice.
What Animals Mean in the Fiction of Modernity argues that nonhuman animals, and stories about them, have always been closely bound up with the conceptual and material work of modernity.
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