10 722 products in Management & Leadership
Hong Kong faces a new, or renewed, set of challenges linked to the up-grading of human resources, shifts in industrial structure, and emerging market demands. The contributors examine and analyse aspects of
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Managed In Hong Kong - Adaptive Systems Entrepreneurship And Human Resources Paperback
Challenging the more conventional approaches to dislocation and resettlement that are the usual focus of discussion on the topic, this book offers a unique theory of dislocation in the form of primitive
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Dislocation And Resettlement In Development - From Third World To The World Of The Third Hardcover
When organizations face problems with costs, quality, productivity and attendance, these problems primarily stem from bad behaviour patterns being encouraged within the organization. To prevent and stop these problems, a behavioural approach
Human factors/ergonomics (HFE) as a discipline has grown by accretions rather than having been developed systematically and deliberately. Therefore, this book's goal creates a formal conceptual structure for HFE. It is intended
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Proven methods for securing corporate networks against social media attacks Securing the Clicks: Network Security in the Age of Social Media provides you with knowledge and actions you can put to use
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Securing The Clicks Network Security In The Age Of Social Media Paperback Ed
As we enter the 21st century it is clear that the economic growth China has enjoyed has been extraordinary. Although Western countries continue to dominate the world economy and financial markets, the
The disintegration of Indonesia's New Order regime in 1998 and the fall of Soeharto put an end to the crude forms of centralised authoritarianism and economic protectionism that allowed large Chinese conglomerates
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Chinese Big Business In Indonesia - The State Of Capital Paperback
Impact of liberalization on informality has been a subject of intense debate for many years and the major issue that has come up is whether liberalization helps to grow informal sector and
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Liberalization And Economic Performance Of The Informal Sector - A Study Of Indian Economy Hardcover
This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art, innovative approaches to qualitative research for organizational scholars. Individual chapters in each area are written by experts in a variety of fields, who have
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Handbook Of Qualitative Organizational Research - Innovative Pathways And Methods Hardcover
In recent years human rights have assumed a central position in the discourse surrounding international development, while human rights agencies have begun to more systematically address economic and social rights. This edited
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Human Rights And Development In The New Millennium - Towards A Theory Of Change Paperback New
Written to meet the needs of busy undergraduate students, this book covers all of the key OB topics in an accessible and engaging style. Ideal as a course companion, pre-course reading, or
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Organizational Behaviour Paperback
There is now a wide spread interest in regions as a key focus in the organization and governance of economic growth and wealth creation. This important book considers the factors that influence
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Regional Competitiveness Paperback
John Girling's book, first published in 1980, investigates the relationship between America and the Third World, centring on three main themes: the nature of American involvement in the Third World, the challenge
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America And The Third World - Revolution And Intervention Hardcover
Organization takes place in a tangled world, intermeshed by changing markets, products, standards, technologies, institutions and social groups. Coming to grips with the complexity and fluidity of organization and management is a
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Understanding Organization As Process - Theory For A Tangled World Paperback
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The magnetism of Martin Luther King, Jr. (Law #9) . . .Cicero's ability to captivate an audience with his eloquence (Law #5) . . .the connection Will Rogers made with the common
Over the past decade, Northeast Asia has been dominated by quite significant strategic change, which is ongoing and brings with it many uncertainties. naval capabilities in Northwest Asia are instrumental in promoting
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Naval Strategy In Northeast Asia - Geo-strategic Goals Policies And Prospects Paperback Annotated Edition
Michael A. Fopp examines the highly sophisticated principles and techniques of modern business management from the perspective of museums and galleries and delineates their practical application. This volume surveys the day-to-day issues
Managing Leisure is an excellent reference tool for both students and practitioners in the leisure industry. It provides detailed and practical advice on managing buildings, budgets and people. It also covers the
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Managing Leisure Paperback
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